Sunday, February 2, 2020

Welcome to Devotions for Caregivers

Hello Friends,
My name is Georgia and I am in a season of caregiving. My sweet mother-in-law has dementia and moved in with us about 7 years ago. She is soon to be 85 years young! I was employed outside the home and my husband was retired. He has had back problems for years and the deterioration forced him to have major back surgery last year. My beloved had come out of retirement briefly but it is not likely he will be able to return to work. In-home care is so expensive and insurance red-tape makes my being at home our best option right now.

This can be a lonely life at times, but I know I am not the only one out there caring for loved ones. I decided to start this blog to encourage myself and others like me. I love what I do and am privileged to be chosen to care for two people who have loved me so generously for so long. If you are joining me in this journey, please introduce yourself and let’s cheer each other on!

I plan to write an encouraging devotional about once a week. I welcome your comments and invite you to grow our band of encouragers by sharing thus with other caregivers.
